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Shahenshahi 2025, 2026 and 2027

Although the Parsi New Year originated in Persia, numerous groups in various Indian states celebrate it as well.

202515 AugFriParsi New Year GJ
16 AugSatParsi New Year DD, DN & MH
202616 AugSunParsi New Year DD, DN, GJ & MH
202715 AugSunParsi New Year DD, DN, GJ & MH
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Worldwide, people commemorate the holiday on the first day of the Zoroastrian calendar’s first month. This actually falls on March 21st. In India, on the other hand, the Shahanshahi calendar is followed, which means the New Year celebration happens in the later months of the year.

People from different religious traditions take part in the festivities. However, the Parsi New Year does remain linked to Zoroastrian religion. The holiday actually represents a yearly renewal of everything in the universe. According to folklore, the prophet Zoroaster created the holiday and it still remains an extremely important observance for residents of Maharashtra.

To prepare for the day, everyone pitches in to clean the house and make it as presentable as possible. Special decorations adorn the interior and exterior of the house. Specifically, the threshold of the house have to look welcoming and beautiful for visitors. These decorations include garlands of flowers and representations of nature made with chalk powder. Also, bathing and dressing up are de rigeur.

A trip to the Fire Temple anchors the whole holiday together after breakfast. People head to the temple together to pray and give thanks for the New Year. During this time, people contemplate the good and bad they did and try to focus on the positive possibilities for the coming year.

After meeting and greeting, the festivities continue as people enjoy special foods like moog dal, pulav and sali boti, among a variety of other dishes. Visitors are sprinkled with rose water as they enter a home to welcome them. Often, people also use this auspicious time of year to give to charities or to the poor.

Previous Years

202415 AugThuParsi New Year DD, DN, GJ & MH
202316 AugWedParsi New Year DD, DN, GJ & MH