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Puducherry Liberation Day

Puducherry Liberation Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

The state of Puducherry celebrates “Liberation Day” every 1 November, commemorating the day in 1954 when the collection of French colonies on the eastern Indian coast that make up present day Puducherry were granted freedom from French control.

20251 NovSatPuducherry Liberation Day PY
20261 NovSunPuducherry Liberation Day PY
20271 NovMonPuducherry Liberation Day PY
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The rest of India gained independence from the British Empire on 14 August, 1947. And though Puducherry was “liberated” in 1954, it was almost a decade longer until the state legally merged with India on 16 August 1962.

On Liberation Day there are public events and an emphasis on the history of the referendum vote for independence. Almost all members of the colonial council, and all of the elected ones, voted to merge with India instead of to stay under French rule.

Previous Years

20241 NovFriPuducherry Liberation Day PY
20231 NovWedPuducherry Liberation Day PY