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Lakshadweep Public Holidays 2026

This page contains a calendar of all 2026 public holidays for Lakshadweep. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

26 JanMonRepublic Day
21 MarSatIdul Fitr
31 MarTueMahavir Jayanti
3 AprFriGood Friday
27 MayWedBakrid / Eid al Adha
26 JunFriMuharram
15 AugSatIndependence Day
25 AugTueEid e Milad
2 OctFriGandhi Jayanti
21 OctWedVijaya Dashami
8 NovSunDiwali
24 NovTueGuru Nanak Jayanti
25 DecFriChristmas Day
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2026 are released.